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How it Works

Setting up protocol templates in Lime Admin

Protocols are defined using Lime Admin.

What the admin interface looks like

Defining actions

Under the Actions heading you define which actions should be available for each protocol answer.

Where you add actions

Add a comment

The ability (action) to add a comment to each answer comes out-of-the-box. Just add the following to the config:

Where you add actions

Mandatory protocol items

If a protocol item is marked as mandatory, the user can't finish the work order without answering these items.

Mark an item as mandatory in Lime Admin How it looks in the web client

Using protocols in the web client

Protocols are shown in the web client as a new tab on the parent object that owns them, for example on work orders.

What the webclient looks like

The user can add several protocols and several "copies" of the same protocol. For instance, adding a security check every day.

Browsing protocols in the desktop client

Protocols added to a parent object is shown in the desktop client in the action pad together with the answers.

What the action pad looks like